Er zijn 285 resultaten gevonden

door Casanova
07 okt 2024, 12:32
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - October 4 to 6
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 3039

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 4 to 6

Hello friend Michel thanks for the nice list t)
door Casanova
01 okt 2024, 07:30
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 27 to 29
Reacties: 5
Weergaves: 4373

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 27 to 29

Thanks for the nice logs , friend Michel t)
door Casanova
24 sep 2024, 07:12
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 20 to 22
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 7070

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 20 to 22

Thanks ou friend Michel for the list ! t)
door Casanova
17 sep 2024, 08:10
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 13 to 15
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 6485

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 13 to 15

Thanks Friend Michel for the nice Logs t) t)
door Casanova
09 sep 2024, 06:42
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 6 to 8
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 2845

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 6 to 8

Thanks friend Michel for the nice logs t)
door Casanova
27 aug 2024, 06:10
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 23 to 25
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 1350

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 23 to 25

Thanks friend Michel for the nice list t)
door Casanova
19 aug 2024, 19:32
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 16 to 18
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 5590

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 16 to 18

Thanks you yery much for the nice Logs friend Michel t)
door Casanova
13 aug 2024, 06:02
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 9 to 11
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 4910

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 9 to 11

Thanks friend Michel for the nice Logs t)
door Casanova
08 aug 2024, 07:20
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 2 to 4
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 6116

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 2 to 4

Thanks you friend Michel for the nice logs t)
door Casanova
29 jul 2024, 19:54
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - July 26 to 28
Reacties: 5
Weergaves: 7133

Re: Logs from South-West of France - July 26 to 28

Thanks Michel for the nice logs t)
door Casanova
15 jul 2024, 17:30
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - July 12 to 14
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 4675

Re: Logs from South-West of France - July 12 to 14

Thanks Michel for the nice logs t)
door Casanova
09 jul 2024, 07:21
Forum: Ontvangstrapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - July 5 to 7
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 5382

Re: Logs from South-West of France - July 5 to 7

Thanks you very much for the nice Logs friend Michel t) :a
door Casanova
02 jan 2023, 05:34
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - December 30 to January 1
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 7859

Re: Logs from South-West of France - December 30 to January

Thanks Friend Michel for the nice Logs , and a happy New Year p)
door Casanova
27 dec 2022, 06:09
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - Christmas Holiday 2022
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 9272

Re: Logs from South-West of France - Christmas Holiday 2022

Hello Friend Michel , thanks for the nice Logs p)
Greetings , Ludwig
door Casanova
19 dec 2022, 06:00
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - December 17 & 18
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 9808

Re: Logs from South-West of France - December 17 & 18

Thanks friend Michel for the nice logs t)
door Casanova
12 dec 2022, 12:45
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - December 9 to 11
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 8449

Re: Logs from South-West of France - December 9 to 11

Thanks Friend Michel t) for the nice logs
door Casanova
05 dec 2022, 06:10
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - December 3 & 4
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 9520

Re: Logs from South-West of France - December 3 & 4

Thanks Friend Michel for the nice Logs t)
door Casanova
28 nov 2022, 06:11
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - November 25 to 27
Reacties: 5
Weergaves: 9836

Re: Logs from South-West of France - November 25 to 27

Thanks friend Michel for the nice logs t) t)
door Casanova
14 nov 2022, 05:31
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - November 11 to 13
Reacties: 6
Weergaves: 9777

Re: Logs from South-West of France - November 11 to 13

Thanks friend Michel for the nice logs 5800 Khz the CCK Team p) t) :a
door Casanova
07 nov 2022, 13:14
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - November 4 to 6
Reacties: 6
Weergaves: 9598

Re: Logs from South-West of France - November 4 to 6

Thanks friend Michel for the Nice Logs :a t)
door Casanova
31 okt 2022, 06:08
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - October 28 to 30
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 8130

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 28 to 30

Thanks my best friend Michel for the nice Logs t)
door Casanova
24 okt 2022, 12:35
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - October 21 to 23
Reacties: 10
Weergaves: 11093

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 21 to 23

Thanks Friend Michel for the nice Logs t) :a
door Casanova
17 okt 2022, 05:36
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - October 14 to 16
Reacties: 6
Weergaves: 11210

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 14 to 16

Thanks friend Michel for the nice logs t) p)
door Casanova
11 okt 2022, 05:43
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - October 8 & 9
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 8991

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 8 & 9

Thanks Michel for the nice List t) :a
door Casanova
26 sep 2022, 09:56
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 23 to 25
Reacties: 5
Weergaves: 10548

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 23 to 25

Thanks friend Michel for the nice Logs p) :a t)
door Casanova
19 sep 2022, 05:52
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 16 to 18
Reacties: 5
Weergaves: 11102

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 16 to 18

Thanks friend Michel for the nice log t) p)
door Casanova
13 sep 2022, 06:34
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 9 to 11
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 10309

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 9 to 11

Hello Michel thanks u for the nice list t)
door Casanova
05 sep 2022, 16:02
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - September 2 to 4
Reacties: 5
Weergaves: 10399

Re: Logs from South-West of France - September 2 to 4

Thanks my best Friend Michel for the nice list p) :a t)
door Casanova
30 aug 2022, 07:40
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 26 to 28
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 9487

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 26 to 28

Thanks friend Michel for the nice logs :a t)
door Casanova
22 aug 2022, 12:31
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 20 & 21
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 8416

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 20 & 21

Thanks Friend Michel for the nice list t) p)
door Casanova
15 aug 2022, 12:41
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 13 & 14
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 9934

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 13 & 14

Thanks Friend Michel for the nice Logs t) :a
door Casanova
08 aug 2022, 15:50
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - August 5 to 7
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 8892

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 5 to 7

Thanks Michel for the nice logs t) :a
door Casanova
07 aug 2022, 12:24
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs SDRs 4 July 2022 till 1 August 2022
Reacties: 7
Weergaves: 12816

Re: Logs SDRs 4 July 2022 till 1 August 2022

Danke Schön , Achim
door Casanova
01 aug 2022, 12:38
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - July 29 to 31
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 3865

Re: Logs from South-West of France - July 29 to 31

Thanks Michel for the nice list t)
door Casanova
18 jul 2022, 10:22
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - July 15 to 17
Reacties: 2
Weergaves: 3021

Re: Logs from South-West of France - July 15 to 17

Thanks U friend Michel for the nice Logs p) t)
door Casanova
12 jul 2022, 04:59
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - July 9 & 10
Reacties: 6
Weergaves: 4990

Re: Logs from South-West of France - July 9 & 10

Thanks Michel for the logs p) t)
door Casanova
20 jun 2022, 06:21
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - June 17 to 19
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 4012

Re: Logs from South-West of France - June 17 to 19

Thanks Michel for the nice logs t) p)
door Casanova
13 jun 2022, 06:17
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - June 10 to 12
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 4363

Re: Logs from South-West of France - June 10 to 12

Thanks U friend Michel for the nice Logs t)
door Casanova
08 jun 2022, 09:53
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - June 4 & 5
Reacties: 7
Weergaves: 6353

Re: Logs from South-West of France - June 4 & 5

Thanks Michel for the nice Logs :a
door Casanova
30 mei 2022, 18:53
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - May 27 to 29
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 4529

Re: Logs from South-West of France - May 27 to 29

Thanks U Michel for the nice Logs p) t)
door Casanova
23 mei 2022, 18:49
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs SDRs 8 May 2022 till 22 May 2022
Reacties: 3
Weergaves: 4503

Re: Logs SDRs 8 May 2022 till 22 May 2022

Danke schön Achim
door Casanova
23 mei 2022, 18:48
Forum: Archief Ontvangst rapporten
Onderwerp: Logs from South-West of France - May 21 & 22
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 5093

Re: Logs from South-West of France - May 21 & 22

Michel Thanks U for the Nice List t)